Whew. It took a lot of effort. I spent a half a month in each of two different AirBnB spots. I also spent hours and hours of time researching, traveling, discussing, and viewing apartments all over Richmond and even in the southern area of Vancouver. But on July 1st, I finally moved into my new apartment, in Richmond BC!

The Living Room
The rent is all-inclusive and a very good price for the area, and it’s only a 25-minute bus ride away from work. I have my own bedroom, a bathroom, as well as a living room with an attached kitchen area. I’ve already bought some basic appliances to put in it, like a kettle and microwave, as well as some plates, cups, cutlery, et cetera.

The Kitchen
There’s even a combined washer & dryer in the apartment! Actually, I have a funny anecdote about that. The first time I used the washer/dryer, I set the machine to do its longest drying cycle–about three hours. When it was “done”, at about 11:00 PM, I tried to turn it off and pull out my laundry. But it remained locked shut. I couldn’t open it. I wondered if I’d be able to get my clothes out before work the next morning, or if I’d broken the machine! The next morning, I turned on the machine, and it immediately unlocked, mercifully.

The Apartment Bathroom
Anyways, the apartment is pretty bare right now, but I’ve been thinking a lot about what furniture I want, as well as where to buy it. I hope to share some more photos of the place soon–and with more stuff in it, for sure!

The Bedroom
Adjustin' in BC
July 25, 2016
It was great to see Ariana and to enjoy a meal and conversation with my family, on Wednesday (June 15th). It really helped to set my mind at ease.

Dining with the ‘rents!
We got a bit lost on the way back to my AirBnB, and ended up taking the scenic route over one of the bridges between Vancouver and Richmond–I guess you could call it the MOST scenic route!
Since my parents would be traveling back to Peterborough, Ontario on Friday, we went out for a farewell dinner on Thursday… at McDonald’s. Honestly, I was happy with the choice, though. We got lost again on the way back, and I was happy with that too!
All things considered, it was a great week and a great visit with my folks! Hopefully I’ll see other family and friends. If you happen to be in the neighbourhood, give me a shout!
Adjustin' in BC
July 9, 2016
On the morning of June 15th, my parents met me at my AirBnB. We quickly piled all of my luggage into their rented minivan (yes, they ended up renting a minivan, though not intentionally), and took off. We stopped in at Tim Horton’s to enjoy breakfast, and then my parents dropped me off at work.

My first AirBnB in Richmond BC!
After work, we drove to the new AirBnB where I’d be spending the rest of the month. Let’s just say there are some big differences between the two places! We had a bit of an issue just getting inside the front door, but with quick thinking we were able to find a solution.

The second AirBnB!
We didn’t have too long to examine my new AirBnB, though, because we had arranged to meet with my cousin Ariana for dinner that same evening! During the drive over to meet her, I had plenty of time to fret and worry over my new living situation…
Adjustin' in BC
July 4, 2016