Week Three, Part 2: The AirBnB Swap
On the morning of June 15th, my parents met me at my AirBnB. We quickly piled all of my luggage into their rented minivan (yes, they ended up renting a minivan, though not intentionally), and took off. We stopped in at Tim Horton’s to enjoy breakfast, and then my parents dropped me off at work.

My first AirBnB in Richmond BC!
After work, we drove to the new AirBnB where I’d be spending the rest of the month. Let’s just say there are some big differences between the two places! We had a bit of an issue just getting inside the front door, but with quick thinking we were able to find a solution.

The second AirBnB!
We didn’t have too long to examine my new AirBnB, though, because we had arranged to meet with my cousin Ariana for dinner that same evening! During the drive over to meet her, I had plenty of time to fret and worry over my new living situation…